
CenterState CEO Presents Community Visionary Award to JMA Wireless

376 Companies Recognized for Creating Jobs; Growth and Expansion; Capital Investments; New Business Openings, Milestones and Resilience

CenterState CEO Community Visionary Award Presented to JMA Wireless


SYRACUSE, NY – CenterState CEO’s Economic Champions, presented by Fust Charles Chambers LLP, hosted a virtual celebration of 376 companies as 2021 Economic Champions for their collective hiring of nearly 3,500 employees, more than 4.6 million square-feet of expansions, and over $767 million in capital investments. At a time of tremendous economic pressure, 120 businesses were recognized for opening new storefronts, offices and facilities; 40 were highlighted for celebrating a milestone anniversary and 98 were recognized for receiving significant awards and achievements.

The accomplishments speak to businesses’ commitment and contributions to the local and regional economy. Companies were nominated as Economic Champions for their accomplishments throughout the year by CenterState CEO and the Greater Oswego-Fulton Chamber of Commerce, the Upstate Minority Economic Alliance, the Downtown Committee of Syracuse, peers, employees and staff.

“This year, our business development team has been actively tracking more than $89 billion in proposed projects that are interested in expanding and locating in Central New York; an unprecedented level of economic development opportunity that we’ve never seen before,” said Robert Simpson, president of CenterState CEO. “In addition to those opportunities, we are excited to celebrate a record number of Economic Champions this year. Their micro decisions and big, bold actions are making a positive impact on the recovery of our regional economy. We are proud to recognize each of this year’s Economic Champions and are grateful for the progress they are helping drive in our region.”

The CenterState CEO Community Visionary Award, sponsored by Wegmans Food and Pharmacy, was presented to JMA Wireless for embodying a vision of economic opportunity, and for its work to create a significant positive impact on community prosperity.

“Wegmans proudly recognizes JMA Wireless as the 2021 CenterState CEO Community Visionary Award recipient. JMA’s $52 million redevelopment of the former Coyne Textile factory into a 5G tech manufacturing campus will serve to infuse Syracuse’s South Side neighborhood with new vitality and jobs, while supporting the city’s efforts to position itself as a high-tech community of the future,” said Evelyn Ingram, director of Media and Community Relations, at Wegmans JMA’s investment will serve as an important anchor project in the Southeast Gateway neighborhood, and a catalyst for even more growth, innovation and prosperity. We are honored to recognize JMA for helping move our community forward.”

“JMA is honored to receive this year’s Community Visionary Award,” said John Mezzalingua, chief executive officer, JMA. “The 5G Syracuse Campus is the culmination of a bold vision that will not only put Syracuse at the cutting edge of developing this technology to compete in the 21st century economy but will contribute to this community’s growth and prosperity. We are excited to be part of Syracuse’s continued renaissance and are grateful for this recognition.

The event also featured remarks from guest speaker Eddie Brennan, president and co-owner of Beak & Skiff Apple Farms Inc., who shared his company’s story of growth and innovation. Celebrating its 110th anniversary this year and five generations of family ownership, Beak & Skiff has evolved, diversified its business and broadened operations into an award-winning destination, while remaining true to its roots.

CenterState CEO thanks the 2021 Economic Champions sponsors.

Presenting Sponsor: Fust Charles Chambers, LLP
Corporate Sponsors: C&S Companies, Lockheed Martin, National Grid, SWBR, and Thales
Community Visionary Award Sponsor: Wegmans Food & Pharmacy
Speaker Sponsor: AmeriCU Credit Union
Champions Video Sponsor: Haylor, Freyer & Coon
Media Sponsors: Central New York Business Journal, News Radio 570 WSYR Now on 106.9 FM


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