Case Study


Private Wireless Solutions

Sports & Entertainment

Case Study - Allegiant Stadium

Allegiant Stadium expands cellular coverage ahead of Super Bowl

Allegiant Stadium is the home to the Las Vegas Raiders and is conveniently located adjacent to the Las Vegas Strip. It is a fully enclosed and climate-controlled facility to accommodate 65,000 fans. The technologically advanced stadium hosts world-class entertainment, including concerts and special sporting events. Even before the construction, the management team realized that to offer a best-in-class fan experience, a seamless connectivity solution that could cover every inch of this facility was needed. Realizing WiFi, though important, can’t provide the fans with the best coverage and network capacity option, the management team decided to invest in a world-class DAS connectivity solution.

When the game changes, our DAS doesn’t have to.

Delivering seamless mobility without the lock-in, while making in-building coverage more flexible, sustainable and economical for greater lifetime value.

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We are excited about JMA’s XRAN technology. A flip of a switch allows us to roll out new frequencies, like C-band. No matter where you are in the building, your phone works. Your speeds are lightning-fast, and our guests can interface with the building. Mobile tickets ordering and social media all of those things are important when fans come to an event. And we want to ensure that their devices work efficiently.””



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