Today’s competitive world of higher education must meet
an expanding list of student criteria. It not only includes
excellent professors, small classes, and a wide choice of curriculum, but robust wireless connectivity is critical for attracting and retaining the brightest young minds, too.

According to a recent study, approximately 94 percent of students use mobile devices for academic purposes. With these devices, they access digital textbooks, check into class, and use a growing number of applications anywhere, anytime; therefore, making ubiquitous wireless connectivity not just a convenience, but an expectation.

According to a recent study, approximately 94 percent of
students use mobile devices for academic purposes.”

Student Pulse Survey Top Hat

SOLUTION BRIEF: Higher Education Requires High-Density Wireless Networks


Today’s competitive world of higher education must meet an expanding list of student criteria. It not only includes excellent professors, small classes, and a wide choice of curriculum, but robust wireless connectivity is critical for attracting and retaining the brightest young minds too. According to a recent study, approximately 94 percent of students use mobile devices for academic purposes. With these devices, they access digital textbooks, check into class and use a growing number of applications anywhere, anytime; therefore, making ubiquitous wireless connectivity not just a convenience, but an expectation. This coverage must not only be pervasive, but students also expect it to be fast, secure and reliable.