Wireless networks enable workflows, and assure control, mobile access and security

With today’s global economy the industrial sector is becoming more competitive. It is ushering in new technologies and processes to ensure factories become more agile, productive, efficient and profitable. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) revolution is fundamentally changing how factories operate. IIOT is still in the nascent stages of adoption and considered the new frontier in manufacturing, but it could amount to a $2 trillion opportunity by 2020.1 Potentially the IIOT will impact everything from new product opportunities, to factory optimization and worker efficiency gains, resulting in top and bottom line increases. Consistent and reliable wireless communications is critical for factories in general, and now more than ever with IIoT-based smart manufacturing environments.

Empowering Shopping Malls with Ubiquitous Cellular Coverage 

Today’s malls are transforming. These mega structures not only include hundreds of stores, but many also house movie theatres, numerous restaurants, a playhouse, a hotel and parklike settings for resting during a busy day of shopping. Providing robust cellular coverage in such massive facilities visited by millions of shoppers every year is not an easy feat. It is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge as more and more customers use their smart phones to enhance their shopping experience. Furthermore, retailers and mall owners are utilizing the same in-building wireless network for a variety of applications that attract patrons and improve their in-store mobile experience.

Commercial Properties Recognize Wireless Connectivity Challenges

Today’s property managers are always looking for an edge in the highly competitive commercial real estate market. In fact, the U.S. office market vacancy rates are projected to hover around 12 percent for the next few years.1 To keep their properties full, managers must continue to ensure tenant satisfaction with building amenities above and beyond the standard offerings. Robust in-building cellular coverage and capacity is now becoming a must-have for commercial properties. Ever increasing data demands on traditional cellular networks require investments to empower tenants who expect mobile connectivity anywhere, anytime.

Enabling Today’s High-Tech Healthcare Facilities

Today’s healthcare facilities have transformed into high-tech hubs that not only demand robust cellular connectivity in-building, but often across expansive outdoor environments too. A medical center’s wireless network is critical for multiple purposes such as enhancing patient care and safety, increasing staff productivity, improving operations, and keeping family and friends connected. To accommodate these various needs healthcare facilities are turning to converged networks. The wireless system must support a wide range of frequencies, any protocol and any modulation scheme as well as be future-proofed. The ultimate goal is to provide strong wireless connectivity in-building and outdoors with an affordable TCO
(Total Cost of Ownership).

Keeping Subscribers Connected and Cell Towers Concealed 

Subscribers love the convenience and connectivity their cell phones afford them. However, to enable communication anywhere, anytime cell phone towers must be erected across the land, which is not loved by these very same mobile users. Many times they are eyesores and ruin beautiful landscapes. To combat this issue, mobile network operators (MNOs) are turning to creative ways to conceal them.

To better blend in with the environment cell towers often are disguised as a tree, a piece of art, a cactus or many community churches are hiding them in their steeples.

A leading US mobile network operator decided to use the concealment method by placing a cell tower in a local church steeple. The mobile operator avoided community opposition to the conventional cell tower, but unfortunately experienced another problem instead – chronic RTWP (Received Total Wideband Power) noise issues across all existing lines. RTWP is related directly to Uplink Interference, which causes performance degradation. Many valuable hours and much money was spent trying to identify the source of the connection issue.

Increase Passenger Safety, Productivity and Ridership with a Proven In-Train Solution

Due to congestion, pollution concerns, and the ever-increasing costs of fuel and parking, millions of people are getting off the roads and opting for trains as an alternative mode of transportation. For many passengers, their daily commute has translated into additional work time, and as a result they need to be reachable and able to communicate. Furthermore, on-board operators and riders alike are concerned about safety in the moving train; therefore, wireless connectivity is mandatory.

Empowering Mission Critical Communication 

Minutes matter in the world of first responders. The lack of instantaneous mobile communication can impede their mission to protect citizens every day. A robust wireless network is critical to successfully execute this mission.

JMA Wireless’ XRAN Reinvents In-Building Mobile Connectivity

Demand for mobile connectivity is growing for today’s in-building business operations and high-density venues, but traditional small cells and distributed antenna systems fall short in offering a streamlined solution. Integrated with JMA Wireless’ award-winning TEKO™ DAS platform, XRAN™ software delivers a complete, scalable, and elastic cell system that delivers edge connectivity economically.

Mobile device usage is skyrocketing on campuses

Today’s competitive world of higher education must meet an expanding list of student criteria. It not only includes excellent professors, small classes, and a wide choice of curriculum, but robust wireless connectivity is critical for attracting and retaining the brightest young minds too.

Improving the Passenger Experience at Airports with Proven Mobile Connectivity

Around the globe billions of people engage in air travel every year. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) the airlines expect to double the number of passengers by 2034, bringing the total number of travelers to seven billion annually¹. Airlines as well as airports are seeking ways to improve the experience for these travelers and keep air travel on the upswing. Implementing different technologies is one way to enhance the passenger experience.