Transmission Line Systems

Case Study - King Willem-Alexander Tunnel

Driving Mobile Comms in King Willem-Alexander Tunnel


The King Willem-Alexander Tunnel, located in the city of Maastricht in the Netherlands, is not your typical roadway tunnel built to alleviate traffic congestion. This 2.3-kilometer tunnel is actually four tunnel tubes stacked on top of each other, with two above and two below. The two upper tunnels are for local traffic while the lower ones are for through traffic. Each tunnel includes two lanes. Above the tunnel at the surface is a two-lane, dual roadway with cycling and walking paths in the middle surrounded by more than two thousand linden trees. This roadway is intended only for local traffic.

While the King Willem-Alexander Tunnel was built to alleviate traffic congestion, system integrator, Unique solution ensures powerful cellular connectivity VolkerWessels Telecom (VWT), was hired to ensure cellular coverage throughout this new double-decker roadway. In order to provide robust mobile communications, an extensive wireless network was deployed throughout the tunnel. However, VWT knew that the network would only be as good as the connectors installed; therefore, they turned to JMA Wireless, a global leader of wireless communications solutions. JMA Wireless offered a superior compression connector technology, unmatched by the competition. VWT needed to ensure the integrity of this wireless network and partner, JMA Wireless, delivered

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