Sports & Entertainment

Case Study - Levi's Stadium

Bay Area Football Fans Experience the Best in Mobile Communications on Game Day


Levi’s® Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers, not only offers WiFi to enable many cutting-edge applications, but it also deployed a DAS (Distributed Antenna System) solution from JMA Wireless to ensure robust cellular coverage and capacity when 68,500 or more fans converge on the facility for a variety of sporting events and stadium shows.

We needed to provide an extremely flexible and robust cellular communications solution that could be deployed quickly; therefore, we selected the leading edge JMA DAS solution from JMA Wireless.

Steve Dutto President, DGP

When the game changes, our DAS doesn’t have to.

Delivering seamless mobility without the lock-in, while making in-building coverage more flexible, sustainable and economical for greater lifetime value.

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Saremo lieti di conoscerti meglio e di aiutarti a reimmaginare la tua attività ridefinendo la strategia di connettività wireless.

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